Palomar Faculty Federation Mural Art

I was approached by an organization from Palomar College to create some wall art for their new off-campus office. They are Palomar Faculty Federation, a group dedicated to the fair and equitable treatment of teachers and educational workers alike, and so wanted some imagery that would recall the style and tone of old labor union posters. I was happy to help out since it’s a worthy cause and right up my alley, artistically speaking.

This was the first mural project I’ve ever done and technically the largest art I’ve done to date. It was done digitally as vector artwork (so that it could be scaled upwards without any loss in quality) and printed as digital wallpaper to be installed in the space. All the technical aspects of the project went off without a hitch, which is always a pleasant surprise when doing something new.

The group’s vision for the artwork gelled very well with my own influences and style, so it made the process a lot smoother and enjoyable. The physical space for the artwork consisted of three sections/walls, so I envisioned the project as a sort of sequential narrative and a summary of their values – Unity, Empowerment, and Action. We whittled their mantra down to those three concepts (represented as short and bold verbs), from which I based the imagery around.





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